We have a dedicated orthopaedic theatre, isolated from the hospital and with unidirectional airflow to allow an exceptionally sterile operating environment. There is a vast range of equipment and implants enabling a choice of technique for problems in all sizes of patients. We have excellent digital software to help with the complex pre-surgical planning required for the correction of angular limb deformities and intraoperative fluoroscopy to confirm reduction and accuracy of implant placement when required.
This service includes:
- Fracture treatment: All conventional internal fixation systems including cannulated drill bits and headless compression screws. Angle stable locking plate technology (FIXIN,SOP,Synthes), external fixation (linear, hybrid and circular systems). Minimally invasive surgery to include percutaneous plate application and fluoroscopically guided sacroiliac stabilisation
- Arthoscopy: Fully equipped new Richard Wolf tower including shaver system and intrarticular diathermy with 3 telescope sizes to diagnose and treat elbow dysplasia, shoulder OCD, biceps tenosynovitis, meniscal tears and inspection of cruciate ligaments
- PAUL for severe medial compartment disease (DJD usually caused by elbow dysplasia) Hip dysplasia and DJD: Pubic symphysiodesis, double/triple pelvic osteotomy and total hip replacement using Kyon cementless implants
- Angular limb deformity: Luxating patellae, malunions and growth plate anomaly. These deformities can be treated by acute wedge osteotomy or with llizaroff technique to gradually correct and perform limb lengthening
- Cruciate disease: TPLO, Cora based TPLO, TTA, Modified Maquet technique enables us to individualise surgery according to the conformation and size of each patient
- A range of suture anchors and biomaterials for prosthetic ligaments and soft tissue augmentation

Internal Medicine
The internal medicine referral service is led by Rachel Dunlop MA VetMB BSAVA PGCertSAM PhD, Heather Smith MVB CertSAM and Aisling McGinnity MVB GPCertSAM, with the support of a dedicated team of nurses.
We approach all cases the same way, using a combination of detailed history-taking, clinical assessment and the use of sophisticated diagnostic techniques, such as high-quality ultrasound, CT and minimally-invasive endoscopic techniques.
The team look after patients with a diverse range of problems including:
- Gastrointestinal disease – chronic vomiting and diarrhoea
- Endocrine disease – diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease and adrenal disorders
- Respiratory disease – dyspnoea, coughing, nasal disease
- Immune-mediated disease – anaemia, polyarthritis, thrombocytopaenia
- Liver disease – acute and chronic hepatitis, biliary disorders, hepatic lipidosis, porto-systemic shunts
- Renal disease – acute and chronic renal disease
- Urinary disease – urinary tract infection, urinary incontinence
- Infectious disease – leptospirosis, feline infectious peritonitis
Many of our patients have chronic problems, so we are always happy to support both owner and referring vet in the longer term.

The Ophthalmology referral service is led by Ian Millar BVMS CertVOphthal, who is also an eye panelist for the British Veterinary Association.
With extensive experience in ophthalmology, Ian can offer diagnosis and treatment for a range of conditions, including:
- Cataract assessment and removal by phaecoemulsification with replacement lens insertion
- Glaucoma case management
- Lendectomy and intraocular surgery
- Management of KCS (dry eye)
- Eyelid abnormality correction including entropion and ectropion surgeries
- Corneal surgery including keratectomy for dermoid or chronic indolent ulceration
- Management of ulceration with options including corneal grafting, conjunctival grafting, and medical treatment
- Distichiasis, trichiasis and ectopic cilia diagnosis and surgery
- BVA eye panel examinations

Soft Tissue Surgery
Our soft tissue surgery service is led by Ross Doust SAS DipECVS EBVS European Specialist and Small Animal Surgery RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery. Ross brings with him extensive international experience.
Spacious well-lit operating theatres, a high-level of surgical equipment including advanced vessel-sealing devices and in-house 3D imaging, all contribute to an outstanding level of care and excellent outcomes.
The soft tissue surgery service is a very varied discipline but includes the following:
- Ear nose and throat surgery – total ear canal ablation, ventral bulla osteotomy, brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) surgery, laryngeal tie-back
- Cardiothoracic - lung lobectomy, surgical management of pleural space disease, thymic neoplasia, vascular ring anomalies, pericardectomy
- Surgery of the oral cavity - mandibulectomy, maxillectomy, facial reconstructive surgery, salivary mucocele surgery
- Gastro-intestinal/hepatobiliary - liver lobectomy, biliary tract surgery, extrahepatic liver shunt surgery, foreign body removal, perineal hernia repair, treatment of anal sac adenocarcinoma
- Urogenital surgery – investigation and treatment of urinary incontinence, urethrostomy and cystotomy.
- Wound management and oncological surgical reconstruction – management and reconstruction following trauma, complex reconstruction following mass resection.
Neurology / Neurosurgery
Access to advanced imaging modalities (on- site CT and visiting high-field MRI) has transformed our ability to diagnose and treat neurological diseases ranging from spinal cord injuries to inflammatory diseases of the brain.
The orthopaedic and internal medicine teams offer diagnosis and treatment for a range of surgical and medical conditions, including:
- Intervertebral disc disease
- Vertebral luxations and fractures
- Fibrocartilaginous embolism
- Seizure investigation and management
- Inflammatory diseases of the brain and spinal cord
- Vestibular disease
- Syringomyelia
- Congenital spinal deformities (typically seen in brachycephalic breeds)
- Subarachnoid diverticulum
Our cardiology service is led by visiting specialist Stephen Collins BVetMed, DVC, a Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology from Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists in Hampshire, one of the most advanced cardiology referral centres in the UK and Ireland.
Echocardiography is performed using a state-of the art Vivid E offering high quality 2D, M Mode, spectral, colour and tissue Doppler.
Our services within Cardiology include the diagnosis and management of :
- Heart murmur
- Arrythmia – including 24 ambulatory ECG/Holter monitoring
- Investigation of syncope and collapse
- Reduced exercise tolerance
- Pericardial disease
- Congenital heart disease
- Breed screening
Interventional radiology is led by visiting specialists Tobi Wagner Dip ECVIM-CA (Cardiology) Dr.med.vet and Stephen Collins BVetMed, DVC from Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists.
Services that are currently offered include:-
- Patent ductus arteriosus – patients as small as 1kg can be treated
- Pacemaker implantation
- Balloon valvuloplasty for pulmonic stenosis
- Interventional occlusion of intra-hepatic portosystemic shunts

Advanced Imaging Diagnostics
A mobile MRI unit, based inside an eight wheel articulated lorry, visits the hospital 3 days per week. Previously reserved for human medicine, MRI scanning procedures are safe and highly effective methods of producing clear cross sectional images of the body. This means that complex neurological and spinal injuries can be reliably diagnosed and then be effectively treated. Veterinary practices who have problem cases in this area can refer these to Earlswood for MRI.
With over eight years experience in developing mobile veterinary MRI scanning, Burgess Diagnostic's highly skilled team of radiographers, engineers and veterinary surgeons can provide all of your veterinary cross sectional imaging needs. Following MRI scanning, the radiograph images are forwarded to Geoff Skerrit for reporting. A full written report is forwarded to the client's own veterinary surgeon usually within one week.

Our oncology service is run by the soft tissue surgery and internal medicine teams working together and includes;
- Diagnosis and staging of tumours by diagnostic imaging and biopsy
- Surgical management of tumours, including advanced reconstruction techniques
- Chemotherapy- design and administration of customised chemotherapy protocols
- Palliative care
Rehabilitation and Pain Management
Our rehabilitation and pain management services are led by Siobhan Menzies BVM&S, GPCert(WVA&CPM), LFHom(Vet), of and Elsa Isaguirre LV MSc of Holistic PetNI.
The rehabilitation team play an important role in the recovery of our orthopaedic and spinal patients, while running a thriving outpatient service. With excellent facilities and equipment including an underwater treatment treadmill, patients receive the care they need to recover.
We offer a customised rehabilitation package for spinal patients to support their ongoing recovery at home.
Holistic PetNI provide the following services:
- Acupuncture
- Physiotherapy
- Therapeutic laser
- Hydrotherapy / underwater treadmill